All of our available properties are listed on which is updated daily.
Appointments are required to view all our properties. Please contact the office to make an appointment.
Properties must be viewed prior to us renting to you.
Pets may be considered on application and must be housed outside.
Smoking is not permitted inside our properties
To enable us to process your application more efficiently please assist us by providing the following information.
Proof of affordability is required to rent a property with Fitzpatricks. Please provide a copy of a payslip and recent bank statement, or group certificate and rental ledger. See our Tenancy Application form for further items required.
When completing your application please ensure that all phone numbers provided are for day time contact and people nominated as a referee/employer/current landlord or agent are aware we will be contacting them. If you are faxing your application, photo copy it first, then fax the copy, this makes it easier to read.
All applications are processed and put forward to the landlord, who then makes the decision on who the successful applicant is. You will then be advised of the landlords decision.
If you are successful, the details of the tenancy will be discussed with you. A deposit of 2 weeks rent will be required within 24 hours to hold the property.
On signing of your lease you will be required to pay a bond, equivalent to 4 weeks rent. Both the bond and initial rent are payable by bank cheque or money order and no cash is accepted in our office.
All further rent payments are to be made via direct debit. You will need to have your bank account details to complete the direct debit service agreement when you sign your lease.